H.S.C English Coaching Center
A part Grammar marks 60
1. Fill in the blank in the following
texts with articles (a/an/the) as necessary. Some of the blanks may not require
an article. Put a cross (x) in the those blanks 5
Literacy as a skill was first institutionalized in
Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt and China soon
after (a)____art of writing was invented. Education then was not for (b)___general
people but (c)___ privilege for (d)____chosen few who took on strategic roles
in (e)___running of (f)____state and in religion. In Greece, education became
more widespread in about the 5th century BC. The Greeks, however,
sent only their male children to school. When Rome was conquered by Greeks, the
Romans under Greek influence developed (g)___strong tradition of literacy. The
Roman preferred to their children to (h)____knowledge about agricultural and welfare. It appears that
(i)_____course of education is as eventful as the history of (j)____man.
2. Complete the following questions with
suitable preposition: 5
Man has no escape (a)_____death. Sooner or later, he
must die. (b)_____other worlds, he is subject (c)_____death. There is no
medicine (d)_____the world that can prevent him (e)_____dying. Yet, man
attempts (f)______escape death. Actually, death is inevitable and unavoidable.
Man is, (g)_____no way, free(h)____death. He must have (i)_____drink the water(j)_____death.
3. Complete the sentences with suitable
phrase/ word given in the box. 5
does---look like
it like
soon as
the time
(a) The mother was very angry with her baby.---she saw
it, se started beating it.
(b) My reading room becomes very dirty. I -----clean
my room.
(c) Abdul Hamid is the 16th president of
the people’s republic of Bangladesh.
-----in 1944 in Kishoregonj.
(d)-was a farmer. He had a dog. His name is Bingo. The
farmer loved the
very much.
(e) Jim was absent there times. He -----show up today.
(f) it is a secret matter. matter. We ---got discuss
this in public.
(g) She is very talkative. I don’t want to invite her
to my birthday------the
of her family.
(h) The baby is very urgly. He looks -----he were an
expert thisf.
(i)____having lunch in a dirty restaurant. You seem to
be very sad sitting in
this dirty restaurant.
(j) Father: -------an army officer______?
Son: He looks very smart and handsome.
4. Complete the passage using suitable
clause/ phrases: 5
(a) There are many students and classroom was very
noisy. The teacher
spoke loudly so that _____.
(b) Though Bangladesh is blessed with rivers, we
------during dry
season. We do
not have any concrete irrigation plan.
(c) He is surely out of his mind. He_____as if hr were
the president of
(d) We are cutting down our trees indiscriminately. We
must do
to stop this practice before it______.
(e) It’s good to see you again. We haven’t seen each
other._____I feel
(f) The textbook is new but it is __. We haven’t had
any problem do far.
(g) The place we visited last week was really
wonderful. If I had a
with me_____.
(h) I will stop raining soon. We have a plan to go
out. We will go out
(i) Playing in the rain may make you sick. Avoid
playing in the lest__.
(j) You remember that honesty is the best policy. You
will be respected by
all if
5. Read the text and fill in the gaps
with correct answer: 5
It is the responsibility of human beings
(a)____(prevent) the environment from bring (b)___(spoil). (c)___(make) life
healthy and comfortable, we (d)____(keep) the environment lean and danger-free.
But often people spoil the environment by (e)____(do) unwise work and
consequently endanger their own lives. It is the ecological imbalance that
(f)___(cause) changes in the world’s climate and brings about different kinds
of natural disasters. Man is really helpless to these destructive disasters.
However, tree plantation (g)___(play) an effective role in (h)____(preserve)
the balance of nature. Trees keep the world suitable for us by(i)____(inhale)
carbon dioxide and (j)___(emit) oxygen
6. Read the text and answer to the
questions: 5
(a) Most of the people of our country are living in
the rural
(b) My friend invited me to pay a visit to Cox’s Bazar
(c) Every body knows it (interrogative)
(d) Campus violence is a common phenomenon
(e) You will be playing football in the filed.
(f) Wherever you go, I shall follow you (simple)
7. Change the narrative style by using
direct speeches. 5
She asked me if I had gone home the previous day. I
replied in the affirmative and said that I had a serious fever. She asked me
again whether I had sat for the test or not. I replied in the negative
8. Identify the unclear pronoun
references in the following paragraph. Where
rewrite the sentences so that all pronoun references are clear. 5
Some of their students are really good. They study
hard and some follow them as their teachers advices. Last year’s result made
them proud all golden GPA. Which do you think? Isn’t that exclamatory? Their
record in debating is also excellent. Some of theirs got national award for
that. They also used to follow their example. Our colleges is not new.
9. Read the following text and use modifiers
as directed in the blank: 5
Brazil leisure has become a (a)___(Pre modify the
noun) pursuit. Formerly, Brazil used to work ten hours a day and six day a week
and had very little time (b)____(post modify the verb with infinitive) .In
modern times (c)_____(pre modify the verb with participle phrase) have become
shorter stretching over five days. People (d)_____(pre modify the verb) have
more time to spare now. They are so (e)______(post modify the verb with
participle) in spending their free time effectively what there is even a
(f)_____(pre modify the noun with noun adjective) leisure that conducts
research on leisure activities. The Brazil loves to travel (g)_____(post modify
the verb with adverbial phrase) just for pleasure and relaxation. There are
many sports centers (h)_____(post modify the noun with adjective clause) go for
physical exercise.(i)_____(pre modify the verb with gerund phrase) are other
popular pastimes. Hiking, walking, or visiting family are also some of the more
(j)_____(pre modify the noun phrase) leisure activities there.
10. Use appropriate sentence connectors
in the blank spaces: 5
The person who works in the farm lands for growing
various agricultural products is called a farmer. (a)____, he lives in a
village. Indeed he is the father of food
production. (b)____he is a important and useful person in the country. (c)___it
is a matter of a great sorrow that farmers are heavily devaluated. (d)___, they
work hard they lead a miserable life. (e)___, farmers of our country live under
poverty level. (f)____a farmer can produce good crops, face beams with joy.
(g)___If he fails to grow, sorrows known no bounds. (h)___. Bangladesh is an
agricultural country. Here prosperity depends on the development of
agricultural.(i)_ __, we cannot think of her existence without farmers. (j)___it
is our duty to improve the living standard of our farmer.
11. Read the passage and write the
antonym or synonym of the words as directed below. 5
Rivers are the most useful and wonderful gift
of nature. And Bangladesh has been adorned generously with a great
number of rivers. From time immemorial, these rivers have been flowing
over our country graciously, making her a land of rivers. Rivers have immense
influence on our economy, culture and prosperity, no doubt.
a. useful (synonym)
b. wonderfu(antonym)
c. adorned (synonym)
generosity ( antonym)
e. great (synonym) f. immemorial (sntonym)
g. graciously (synonym) h. immense (antonym)
i. influence
(synonym) j. prosperity
12. There are ten errors in the use of
punctuation marks in the following text.
Rewrite the text
correcting the errors: 5
Amin: Hello, Habib howre you?
Habib: Fine. Thanks and you?
Amin: Im fine too. What about your preposition for the
coming H.S.C Exam.?
Habib: Well I’ m going on well with my studies. But Im
worried about my
Amin: It’s all the same about me too. But tell me
about your model texts of all
Habib: Model tests of all the subjects are frequently
being taken in our college to ensure
proper preparation.
Amin: Very good. Youre well on your preparation, I
see. I must start working
the test papers. What do you think?
Habib: Yes. I think itll be helpful for your
preparation. Wish you best of luck.
Amin: Youre most welcome.