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Class 2, English-২য় শ্রেণি ইংরেজী

Iqra Muslim Shishu Academy
 1st Term Examination
                   Class: Two                     Subject: English
          Time: 2 hr                                         Full Marks: 100

1. Write in English of the following words (any five):                                      110=10
    বীজ, সপ্তাহ, কাঁধ, ছড়া, সম্পর্কে, সহপাঠি, ওহে। 

2. Make the sentence with the following words(any five)                                  25=10
    School, open, old, rose, lion, cap, farmer.

3. Answer the following question (any five):                                                   35=15
    a) What is your name?
    b) How are you?
    c) What class are you in?
    d) How old are you?
    e) What is your school name?
    f) What day is it today?
    g) How many days are there in a week?

4.  Write whether the following statement is there
     True or false:                                                                                            25=10
    a) I`m Shuva.
    b) Shuva is in class 3.
    c) Joya is seven years old.
    d) Zara is class 2.
    e) There is a farmer.

5. Fill the gaps with suitable words.                                                                 25=10
    a) This.............Mena.
    b) I`m 7 years............
    c) Head and................
    d) put your hand on your................
    e) He is..........2.

6. Translate into English:                                                                                  25=10
    a) তোমার বয়স কত?
    b) আজ সোমবার।
    c) আমি স্কুলে যাই।
    d) ইহা একটি কুড়েঘর।
    e) তিনি একজন শিক্ষক।  

7. Re arranges the sentence:                                                                               15=5
    a) I/a/student/am.
    b) Look/the/at/board.
    c) What/your/name/is.
    d) Touch/nose/your.
    e) Is/a/he/farmer.

                                                                Grammar - 30
8. Grammar   কাকে বলে?       
9. English Grammar   কাকে বলে?       
10. Vowel কাকে বলে ? কয়টি ও কী কী লিখ।    
10. Word  কাকে বলে?       
11. Syllableকাকে বলে কত প্রকার ও কী কী ব্যাখ্যাসহ লিখ।       

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  1. make a english choose the correct anser quiz or a quiz thats we can do in divice not a paper
